Vol 105, No 2 (2015)

Table of Contents


Cover PDF


Contents PDF

From the Editor

On getting published in the SAMJ PDF
Janet Seggie 77-78

Editor's choice

Editor's Choice PDF
Janet Seggie 78-79


Helpful hints for writing SI units PDF
Marius Coetzee, Jaco Joubert 80
Implications of Cochrane Review on restricting or banning alcohol advertising in South Africa PDF
Charles Parry, David Pienaar, John Ataguba, Jimmy Volmink, Tamara Kredo, Mlenga Jere, Nandi Siegfried 80-81
Full circle PDF
Robert-Ian Caldwell 81


HMPG secures top-drawer CEO PDF
Hands-on student training in private hospitals has arrived PDF
Honing healthcare leaders’ competence and attitudes equals facility-level delivery PDF


Mannie Stein, 1920 - 2014 PDF
Roy O Wise 86-87

Book reviews

Dance with Suitcase: A Memoir resting on Movement. By Dawn Garisch. Cape Town: Tiber Tree Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-9921922-6-6 PDF
Janet Giddy 87


Digitalis reappraised: Still here today, but gone tomorrow? PDF
Lionel H Opie 88-89
Recommendations pertaining to the use of influenza vaccines and influenza antiviral drugs: Influenza 2015 PDF
Sibongele Walaza, Cheryl Cohen 90-91
Trauma quality improvement: The Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan Trauma Service experience with the development of a comprehensive structure to facilitate quality improvement in rural trauma and acute care in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa PDF
Damian Luiz Clarke 92-95
Must doctors disclose their fees before treatment? PDF
David Jan McQuoid-Mason 96-97
Evidence insufficient to confirm the value of population screening for diabetes and hypertension in low- and-middle-income settings PDF
Solange Durao, Oluwayemisi Ajumobi, Tamara Kredo, Celeste Naude, Naomi S Levitt, Krisela Steyn, Debbie Bradshaw, Taryn Young 98-102


Why is cancer not a priority in South Africa? PDF
Daniela Cristina Stefan 103-104
Morbidity and mortality of black HIV-positive patients with end-stage kidney disease receiving chronic haemodialysis in South Africa PDF
Nicola Wearne 105-106


South African National Cancer Registry: Effect of withheld data from private health systems on cancer incidence estimates PDF
E Singh, J M Underwood, C Nattey, C Babb, M Sengayi, P Kellett 107-109
Morbidity and mortality of black HIV-positive patients with end-stage kidney disease receiving chronic haemodialysis in South Africa PDF
June Fabian, Heather Anne Maher, Chevon Clark, Saraladevi Naicker, Piet Becker, Willem Daniel Francois Venter 110-114
The Vaccine and Cervical Cancer Screen (VACCS) project: Linking cervical cancer screening to HPV vaccination in the South-West District of Tshwane, Gauteng, South Africa PDF
Leon C Snyman, Greta Dreyer, Matthys H Botha, Frederick Haynes van der Merwe, Piet J Becker 115-120
Prevalence of gastrointestinal pathogenic bacteria in patients with diarrhoea attending Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa PDF
Brian Kullin, Rosemary Meggersee, Jerrard D'Alton, Bruna Galvao, Naayil Rajabally, Andrew Whitelaw, Colleen Bamford, Sharon J Reid, Valerie Rose Abratt 121-125
Predictors of in-hospital mortality following non-cardiac surgery: Findings from an analysis of a South African hospital administrative database PDF
Yoshan Moodley, Bruce M Biccard 126-129
Human myiasis in rural South Africa is under-reported PDF
Simon Kamande Kuria, H J C Kingu, M H Villet, A Dhaffala 129-133
Multimorbidity in non-communicable diseases in South African primary healthcare PDF
Hoosain Lalkhen, Robert Mash 134-138
Prospective analysis of the medicine possession ratio of antidepressants in the private health sector of South Africa, 2006 - 2011 PDF
Francois Naude Slabbert, Brian H Harvey, Christiaan Beyers Brink, Martha Susanne Lubbe 139-144
Integrated positron emission tomography/computed tomography for evaluation of mediastinal lymph node staging of non-small-cell lung cancer in a tuberculosis-endemic area: A 5-year prospective observational study PDF
Jane A Shaw, Elvis M Irusen, Florian von Groote-Bidlingmaier, James M Warwick, Branislav Jeremic, Rudolf du Toit, Coenraad F N Koegelenberg 145-150

Continuing Medical Education

The medical case report PDF
B Farham 151
The unsuspected killer: Liquefied petroleum gas overexposure in South Africa PDF
L Sampson, N van der Schyff, C Cupido 152
The utility of urine sulphosalicylic acid testing in the detection of non-albumin proteinuria PDF
S Ndamase, R Freercks 153
Digoxin therapy in the modern management of cardiovascular disease: An unusual but serious complication PDF
P Mkoko, N Mokhele, M Ntsekhe, N A B Ntusi 154
Arthritis mutilans: A rare phenomenon PDF
M C Madua 154
For external use only PDF
P Mkoko 155
A tale of two viruses PDF
M C Madua 155
Schistosomiasis misdiagnosed as abdominal tuberculosis PDF
S N Botes, S B Ibirogba, D Kahn 156
An additional X chromosome PDF
M C Madua 156
Wernicke’s encephalopathy as a complication of gastroparesis after emergency partial antrectomy PDF
N S Ganie, E Janse van Rensburg 157
Fever, sore throat and myalgia PDF
P Ive, M Mendelson, S Dlamini 157


CPD Questionnaire PDF