
A human perspective on body donation: A case study from a psychosocial perspective

Clare Manicom


Using a case study of how a son consented to his mother becoming a body donor, the factors that may have contributed to that decision are outlined. Social and psychological considerations about body donation in general are presented. These are followed by suggestions for organisational improvements for healthcare facilities and medical schools, including ease of access to accurate information for both medical professionals and members of the public. Finally, it is recommended that medical school staff dealing with potential donors and their families should be trained to communicate empathically and with compassion.

Author's affiliations

Clare Manicom, GVI (Gouws en Vernote Ingelyf/Gouws and Partners Incorporated), Cape Town, South Africa

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Body donation; Consent

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South African Medical Journal 2015;105(9):719-720. DOI:10.7196/SAMJnew.7686

Article History

Date submitted: 2015-04-23
Date published: 2015-09-14

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