Scientific letters

Severe acute respiratory infection with influenza A (H1N1) during pregnanacy

Eduard Langenegger, Andre Coetzee, Samier Jacobs, Alrisah Le Roux, Gerhard Theron


During an eleven day period we admitted twelve obstetric patients with complicated H1N1. Five patients had acute lung injury and required invasive ventilation and inotropic support. Three patients required Continious Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) support with no inotropes needed. Three of the obstetric patients admitted to critical care units died. Influenza A (H1N1) should not be underestimated in pregnancy. Prevention strategies, early oseltamivir, carefull observation and early transfer to critical care facilities when indicated will decrease maternal and perinatal mortality.

Authors' affiliations

Eduard Langenegger, University of Stellenbosch

Andre Coetzee, University of Stellenbosch

Samier Jacobs,

Alrisah Le Roux,

Gerhard Theron,

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H1N1; pregnancy; respiratory failure; critical care admission

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South African Medical Journal 2009;99(10):713.

Article History

Date submitted: 2009-09-09
Date published: 2009-09-30

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