
Mental health under-budgeting undermining SA’s economy

Chris Bateman


Grossly inadequate and unco-ordinated government spending on treatment of mental illness – which affects one in six South Africans – is costing South Africa 2.2% of its annual GDP. It is also failing to reduce the 230 attempted suicides recorded daily, while 48% of people living with HIV/AIDS continue to suffer from a mental health condition (South African Depression and Anxiety Group Mental Health Fact Sheet).

Author's affiliations

Chris Bateman, HMPG, South Africa

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Mental health; Mental illness; South Africa; Economy

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South African Medical Journal 2015;105(1):7-8. DOI:10.7196/SAMJ.9166

Article History

Date submitted: 2014-11-14
Date published: 2014-12-12

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