
The 11P’s of an Afrocentric trauma system for South Africa – time for action!

Timothy Hardcastle


A trauma system involves the interaction of prehospital care, emergency centre care and definitive care (including prevention and rehabilitation services), providing an organised approach to acutely injured patients within a defined geographical area, from primary care to advanced care. Trauma is, after infectious disease, the second leading cause of death and disability in Africa, and must therefore feature on the national health agendas of all African countries. The requirements for developing cost-efficient, patient-centred trauma systems relevant to South Africa are outlined (each item commencing with a P, and hence the title).

Author's affiliations

Timothy Hardcastle, Trauma Unit IALCH / Dept Surgery UKZN

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Trauma; system; Afrocentric; Literature Review

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South African Medical Journal 2011;101(3):160,162.

Article History

Date submitted: 2010-10-08
Date published: 2011-03-01

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