In Practice

Is open-identity gamete donation lawful in South Africa?

D Thaldar, B Shozi


South African (SA) gamete banks and gamete donation agencies do not offer open-identity donors, as it is generally believed that donor anonymity is a legal requirement in SA. However, analysis of SA statutory instruments and case law shows that this belief is mistaken, and that gamete donation in SA can be anywhere on the spectrum between anonymous and known. Accordingly, open-identity gamete donation would be lawful in SA and can be offered to the public by SA gamete banks and gamete donation agencies.

Authors' affiliations

D Thaldar, School of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa

B Shozi, School of Law, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa; Institute for Practical Ethics, University of California San Diego, USA

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Egg donation; Gamete donation; Open identity; South Africa; Sperm donation

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South African Medical Journal 2022;112(6):409-412.

Article History

Date submitted: 2022-05-31
Date published: 2022-05-31

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