Continuing Medical Education

Lymphadenopathy in a tuberculosis-endemic area: Diagnostic pitfalls and suggested approach

K Antel, E Verburgh


Lymphadenopathy is a common presenting complaint, or it may be an incidental finding during examination of a patient. This review focuses on the diagnostic difficulty, common misconceptions and tests that can be applied in the investigation of lymphadenopathy. A diagnostic approach is suggested with regard to the most important causes of peripheral, persistent (>3 weeks) and significant (>1 cm) lymphadenopathy, i.e. tuberculosis, lymphoma and disseminated malignancy.

Authors' affiliations

K Antel, Division of Haematology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa

E Verburgh, Division of Haematology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa

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Lymphadenopathy; Tuberculosis; Diagnostic pitfalls

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South African Medical Journal 2019;109(10):712-714. DOI:10.7196/SAMJ.2019.v109i10.14361

Article History

Date submitted: 2019-09-30
Date published: 2019-09-30

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